Continuing Education Program Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a number of frequently asked questions aimed to assist our Authorized Partners in understanding the Continuing Education Program. To read the FAQs, click on the question below, and an accordion will open providing insights and answers. Additional useful links can be found at the right.
If you have a question that has not been addressed below, please email
Why is DevOps Institute introducing a Continuing Education and Certification Renewal Program?
The IT and DevOps space continues to evolve quickly and it is imperative for DevOps professionals to continue to upskill on the latest skills, knowledge, and emerging trends in the DevOps space in order to stay relevant, advance in their careers, and support their organizations in their digital transformation journeys. DevOps Institute’s mission is to advance the Humans of DevOps in their continuous learning journey and professional development.
What value does the Continuing Education Program provide the Authorized Partner community?
In today’s workplace environment, lifelong learning is essential to all people, and particularly those in IT undergoing a DevOps journey. The DevOps Institute Continuing Education Program provides an extensive selection of activities, including those offered by Authorized Partners, that offer opportunities to focus on learning, skills development, staying current with modern practices, and professional growth in the digital age. Approved educational experiences such as subsequent DevOps Institute and DevOps-related technical vendor-authorized training and certifications, human skills training, DevOps-related webinars and events are eligible for Continuing Education Units. Authorized Partners can create learning paths for their learners that also earn them CEUs to support their continuing education journey and provide greater value to DevOps Institute certifications.
Which DevOps Institute certifications expire?
All DevOps Institute certifications will have an expiration date. As of February 28, 2022, the valid-through date will be indicated on the candidate’s certificate. Any candidates who earned a certification before February 28th, 2022 will have received an email from DevOps Institute indicating their certification expiry date. Accredited partner certifications, such as VSM Foundation, will not have an expiration date.
If a candidate earned their DevOps Institute certification before the Continuing Education Program was introduced, do they still need to renew their certification?
Yes, all DevOps Institute certification holders, existing and new, will be introduced into the Continuing Education Program and certification renewal cycle. This was communicated to all existing DevOps Institute certification holders in January 2022 in an email titled “Continuing Education Program Launching in 2022” from
Will DevOps Institute accredited instructors also need to renew their certification(s)?
Yes, all DevOps Institute accredited instructors will also be introduced into the Continuing Education Program and certification renewal cycle. By staying on top of the latest skills, knowledge, and emerging trends in the DevOps space, instructors will be able to bring current ideas and learning to their class deliveries.
Certification renewal fees will be waived for DevOps Institute accredited instructors during the term of their accreditation.
What is the renewal timeframe for the candidate’s DevOps Institute certification?
Candidates will have two years from the date their certification was earned or renewed to complete the Continuing Education program requirements to remain certified.
For example, if a certification is earned on May 1st, 2022, the renewal date will be May 1st, 2024.
For legacy certification holders who earned a DevOps Institute certification prior to January 1st, 2022, the first renewal year will be 2024 on the calendar date the certification was earned. For example, if the certification was earned on July 1st, 2019, the renewal date will be July 1st, 2024.
How do candidates renew their DevOps Institute certification?
To renew their DevOps Institute certification, candidates must be a complimentary DevOps Institute community member, earn the required number of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through various eligible learning activities, and submit their certification renewal fee* before their certification expiration date. For more details on CEU-eligible activities, see the Continuing Education Program page here.
*The 2-year certification renewal fee is up to $99 USD per certification but, will be waived for SKILup IT Learning+ annual subscribers and for DevOps Institute accredited instructors during the term of their accreditation.
How many Continuing Education Units (CEUs) do candidates need to renew their DevOps Institute certification?
The first DevOps Institute certification will require 30 CEUs for renewal. Every subsequent DevOps Institute certification earned will require 6 CEUs each. For more details on CEU-eligible activities, see the Continuing Education Program page here.
What activities are eligible for DevOps Institute Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
Please visit the DevOps Institute Continuing Education Program page here for the latest list of eligible activities, including Partner-delivered training. Proof of completion must be provided via the CEU submission form. CEUs earned from live (in-person or virtual) attendance at DevOps Institute SKILup Hours/Days/Festivals and certifications do not need to be submitted and will be automatically added to the candidate’s account by DevOps Institute. Activities must be completed and CEUs must be earned within the certification’s 2-year renewal cycle.
Accredited instructors may also earn 4 CEUs for DevOps Institute classes they have delivered, 8 CEUS for the completion of train the trainer sessions, and 8 CEUs for any additional DevOps Institute certifications earned.
How do candidates submit Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
When the candidate is ready to submit their CEUs, they may complete the CEU submission form available from the Continuing Education Program page here. They will also be required to upload proof of activity completion (certificate of completion, email copy, screenshot image) that includes the following information:
- Name
- Name of the activity
- Name of the provider
- Date the activity was completed
- Duration of activity
Candidates must be DevOps Institute community members (complimentary membership) so that CEUs can be submitted and tracked in their DevOps Institute membership account.
Do candidates have to enroll in the DevOps Institute Continuing Education Program to renew their certification?
When candidates earn their DevOps Institute certification, they will be automatically enrolled and welcomed as a DevOps Institute Member. Membership is complimentary and required in order to submit and track CEUs for certification renewal.
If a candidate has more than one DevOps Institute certification, will they need to renew each one separately?
Yes, they will need to renew each DevOps Institute certification separately. Candidates will need to earn 30 CEUs to renew their first certification. They will then need 6 CEUs for every additional DevOps Institute certification.
For example, if the first certification was earned on January 1st, 2022, the candidate must earn 30 CEUs between January 1st. 2022 and the January 1st, 2024 certification renewal date.
If a second DevOps Institute certification was earned on July 1st, 2023, the candidate must earn an additional 6 CEUs between July 1st, 2023 and the July 1st, 2025 renewal date.
How can Authorized Partners provide proof of course/activity completion to learners?
Authorized Partners may provide their own course/activity certificates with the required details (learner name, activity name, duration, date), or use the CEU certificate template provided by DevOps Institute. The certificate template should be completed with the required information and distributed to learners upon course/activity completion. The certificate may be submitted by learners as proof of completion for CEUs. The certificate template may be accessed from the DevOps Institute Partner Portal.
Can candidates ask DevOps Institute to review their CEUs before they submit them?
DevOps Institute cannot meet all requests to review CEU submissions. CEUs will be automatically accepted once they are submitted and random audits will be performed to ensure CEUs are acceptable. CEU submissions that are not eligible will be deducted from the candidate’s account and the candidate will be notified.
Is there a certification renewal fee?
There is a renewal fee of up to $99 US for each certification however, fees will be waived for SKILup IT Learning+ annual subscribers.
*Certification renewal fees for DevOps Institute accredited instructors will be waived during the term of their accreditation. Instructors will also receive a complimentary subscription to SKILup IT Learning during the term of their instructor accreditation.
If a candidate does not have enough CEUs to renew their certification before the expiration date, what should they do?
The two year renewal cycle should provide ample time to earn the required number of CEUs. Should a candidate not be able to meet the program’s requirements, they may need to re-take and successfully pass the latest version of the examination to re-certify.
What resources are available to Authorized Partners to support and participate in the Continuing Education Program?
DevOps Institute has a number of tools and resources available for Partners to use that can be accessed from the Partner Portal, including:
- FAQs for Partners and Candidates
- List of CEU-eligible courses/certifications and criteria
- Continuing Education Program brochure (also to be included in learner courseware kits)
- About the Continuing Education Program presentation
- Continuing Education Program stamp for marketing and promotional use with CEU-eligible activities
- Continuing Education Units certificate template that can be distributed to learners/attendees upon completion of CEU-eligible activity
If you need any assistance, please contact